Importance of Sunscreen for Skin | 7 Important Points

Protect Your Skin: The Importance of Sunscreen Explained in this Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever wondered, “Is sunscreen good for the skin?” If you have, then you’re in the right place. This comprehensive guide will show you why using sunscreen is critical and how it can aid your skin in more ways than you might think. From decreasing the chance of skin cancer to preventing early ageing, there are many reasons why everyone should use sunscreen regularly. So let’s dive into this essential topic and explore the science behind sunscreen, its benefits, and how to use it correctly.


No matter the time of the year, sunscreen should always be a part of your skincare routine. Regular daily service of SPF 15 sunscreen can decrease your risk of growing squamous enclosure carcinoma (SCC) by about 40 per cent and lower your melanoma risk by 50 per cent. It also helps prevent premature skin ageing induced by sunlight, including wrinkles, sagging, and age spots.

Understanding the Importance of Sunscreen

Sunscreen isn’t just about avoiding a painful sunburn – it’s about health, longevity, and beauty. Sunscreens cover against the harmful UV rays penetrating the skin’s wall whenever your skin is revealed to the sun. Suppose you are out in the sun for an extended period, either operating or wanting a sunbath at the seaside or poolside. In that case, it is more beneficial to reapply sunscreen every two hours to save your skin from sunburns.

The Effects of the Sun on Skin

Orientation to the sun without sufficient protection can lead to various skin problems. These include signs of premature ageing like wrinkles and fine lines, sunspots, hyperpigmentation, photodamage (sun damage), and dry skin. Additionally, intense and frequent sun exposure can improve your risk of formulating skin cancer, which can occasionally be life-threatening.

The Science Behind Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a remarkable invention that serves as our first line of defence against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. But how does it work exactly? Let’s delve into the science behind sunscreen to understand how it protects our skin.

How Does Sunscreen Work?

Sunscreens contain ingredients that either absorb or reflect UV rays. In chemical sunscreens, these ingredients drink UV rays and transform them into heat, then remove them from the skin. On the other hand, physical sunscreens use elements like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide to recall UV rays away from the skin. Both sunscreens help prevent UV rays from penetrating the skin and causing damage.

Different Types of Sunscreen

There are numerous variants of sunscreens available in the market today. You can choose from creams, lotions, sprays, gels, and powders. Some sunscreens are waterproof, allowing you to enjoy yourself in the water without burning your skin. Some sunscreens also double up as creams, serving as an excellent cosmetic option. Always select broad-spectrum sunscreens that protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays.

Benefits of Using Sunscreen

Wearing sunscreen offers a multitude of benefits. It also provides several other benefits besides shielding your skin from harmful UV rays. Here are some reasons why you should wear sunscreen every day:

Protecting Against Skin Cancer

One of the most significant benefits of wearing sunscreen is that it lowers your risk of developing skin cancer. Regular use of sunscreen can decrease the chance of creating scaled cell carcinoma by about 40 per cent and cut down your melanoma risk by 50 per cent.

Preventing Premature Aging

Sunscreen helps in preventing the signs of premature ageing. Studies reveal that people under 55 who used sunscreen had 24% fewer chances of developing ageing signs like wrinkles and fine lines than those who didn’t.

Reducing the Risk of Sunburn

Sunburns can make your skin more susceptible to skin cancer. Sunscreens make a defensive layer on your skin and defend against UV rays, reducing sunburn risk.

Choosing the Right Sunscreen

With so many options available, choosing the right sunscreen may seem overwhelming. However, knowing what to look for can make this task much more accessible.

Understanding SPF

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. It measures the amount of UVB radiation protection a sunscreen offers. Dermatologists suggest sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, which blocks 97% of UVB rays.

Different Forms of Sunscreen: Creams, Sprays, Sticks

Sunscreens come in different forms, including creams, sprays, and sticks. Creams are best for dry skin and the face, sprays are convenient for application (especially on children), and posts are helpful for areas around the eyes.

Sunscreen for Different Skin Types

Like other skincare products, sunscreens, too, must be chosen according to your skin type. A gel-based sunscreen would be the best choice for oily skin, while somebody with dry skin should opt for moisturizing sunscreens. If you hold exposed skin, scrutinize for sunscreens with zinc-oxide or titanium dioxide, which can upset the skin.

Properly Applying Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen accurately is just as important as sporting it. Here are some tips to ensure you get the maximum benefit from your sunscreen.

When and How Much to Apply

Apply sunscreen generously for half an hour before going out in the sun. This allows the ingredients to bind with the skin thoroughly. Reapply at least every two hours and immediately after swimming or excessive sweating.

Reapplying Sunscreen: When and Why

Reapplication is crucial because the sun can break down the sunscreen and reduce its effectiveness. Even if your sunscreen is labelled ‘water-resistant,’ you should still reapply it after swimming or sweating.

Using Sunscreen with Makeup

If you’re wearing makeup, apply sunscreen first and let it dry before applying your makeup. Many cosmetic products are available today that contain SPF, providing another layer of protection.

Common Misconceptions About Sunscreen

Importance of Sunscreen for Skin | 7 Important Points

Many misconceptions about sunscreen can be harmful and misleading. Let’s debunk some common sunscreen myths to ensure you get the correct information.

Debunking Sunscreen Myths

A common myth is that sunscreen is not necessary on cloudy days. However, up to 80 per cent of the sun’s UV rays can hand via shadows, so it’s essential to wear sunscreen even when it’s overcast. Another misconception is that people with dark skin don’t need sunscreen. While it’s true that melanin provides some sun safety, it’s not enough to control skin cancer. Everyone, regardless of their skin colour, should wear sunscreen.

The Truth About “Waterproof” and “Sweatproof” Claims

No sunscreen is completely waterproof or sweatproof. A more accurate term would be “water-resistant,” meaning the sunscreen guards while swimming or sweating up to the time recorded on the label. This is why it’s important to reapply sunscreen after swimming, sweating, or towelling off.

Sunscreen and Children

Protecting children’s skin from the harmful effects of the sun is extremely important. Here’s what you need to know about using sunscreen on children.

The Importance of Sunscreen for Kids

Children’s skin is more sensitive than adults, making it more susceptible to sunburn and damage. Applying sunscreen can help protect their skin and decrease their risk of skin cancer later in life.

Choosing a Sunscreen for Your Child

When choosing a sunscreen for your child, look for one that is broad-spectrum, has an SPF of at least 30, and is water-resistant. It’s also a good idea to opt for a fragrance-free sunscreen that is made for sensitive skin to avoid irritation.

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Other Protective Measures

Sunscreen isn’t the only way to rescue your skin from the sun. Here are some other measures you can take to shield your skin from harmful UV rays.

Using Clothing and Accessories for Sun Protection

Wearing protective clothes like long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses can provide additional protection against the sun. There are also clothes available with built-in SPF for added coverage.


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